San Leo

Recommended by: Park Hotel Morigi

Area: Forlì and Cesena

Difficulty: Low
Distance: 107 Km
Elevation gain: 933 m

Technical information

Low 107 Km 933 m

Recommended by: Park Hotel Morigi

Area: Forlì and Cesena

Route details

Setting off from Gatteo, in sequence we will pass Sala, Savignano, Sant’Angelo, Gatteo, Canonica, Poggio Berni, Verucchio and Ponte Verucchio up to the beginning of the 4 km of “false flat land” followed by 5 km uphill that lead to the village of San Leo. A steady climb, without any sudden tough stretches, with scenic landscapes, that is made hard only by the heat. San Leo, a wonderful art capital, mentioned by Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy, is the fulcrum of the historical region of Montefeltro.

Leaving the ancient village of San Leo, we will continue on to Pugliano and experience a challenging descent to Novafeltria, which is reached after a climb. Then, in the following order we will come across: Ponte Verucchio, Santarcangelo, Savignano, Bellaria, San Mauro Mare, and Gatteo Mare.

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